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Renette Stinnett

Metaphysical Pratiticner MP (World Metaphysical Assoc.)

Holistic Practiticner HP (Holistic Healer's Coalition)
Reiki Master Teacher RMT  (multiple modalities)


Namaste everyone! So happy you have stumbled on my Page here! Allow me to tell you a short version about how all this began for me and a little information about myself!

I was personally diagnosed with Thyroid problems, a goiter (very severe), and Hashimoto's Disease!  They went to work right away prescribing me this and that and telling me my only options were these pills and if they did not help there was a radioactive pill I could take and try to burn out my thyroid, surgery or die! I woke up one day and realized I wason more than 15 prescriptions to treat symptoms but not actually fight or cure anything! I also knew these medications were not helping me the bloodwork proved that and I was not getting better and in fact was worse I was basically bed ridden and so run down and tired I could hardly function between the illness' themselves combined with the medications to treat all the symptoms I was just a walking chemical factory that felt like shit all the time my quality of life sucked! I wanted more and I knew there had to be more options out there! I went back to my basics and started using Reiki on myself and started noticing a substantial difference!

I then took myself off everyone of their medications against recomendation, I got my doctor to agree to work with me and my alternative choice if I agreed to say on the one pill that supposvly without I would die!  I began really diving into things deeper attaining my Master Teacher in Reiki and moving forward from there anything that I tried and thought had results for me I took a step further learned attained schooling lessons classes aprtiniceships and so forth to attain certifications so that others might listen to me and learn from me!  I kept this up for some time and still was not getting the results I wanted something was still standing in the way, I stopped taking that final pill against the orders of my doctor,  you know what happened? I am still here I am still Alive and I feel better than ever and that was over 4 years ago now! Yes you heard me over four ears now no medications I am not dead, I have not had to have surgery or anything else, I have used these very simple basic healing techniques in diferent combinations to help sustain my over all health and well being! Now I want to show others how they to can stop giving away their power and tap back into and unlock the knowledge from their DNA and begin their own health and wellness journey to a better life and a better world!


I am now currently 38 and loving it! I have what some call an unorthodox family of sorts or some would say! I am blessed with two wonderful Son's whom I homeschool to be sure to get the most time with them, they help me everyday to learn new lessons and help me be an over all better person by bringing to light the simplest of things and helping me to remember what is really important! 

I am truely Honored to have their Father, my best friend and number one fan as a part of our great family he is always there to help me with the children or when you need him for just about anything! Then there is my loving and adoring Husband who is a great Step Father to our children and always supportive of everything and anything I set out to achieve and do! I am truely blessed and could not ask for a better Family no matter how odd it is to the everyday person! We are a family and we work together for the enrichment and betterment of our children everyday they are our future and all that is left behind of us when we go!

I started my journey in Pennsylvania my Path has recently lead me to the great state of Colorado! Although scary making such a large move it was where we were lead and we are on one heck of an ascended Journey that just keeps getting better with everyday!  I have been very blessed in my journey I have gotten to study with some amazing Master's Teacher's and energy worker's from around the globe I have even been published in a magazine and am just so excited to see what comes next! Anything I missed or anything else you would like to know feel free to ask!




Renette MP, HP, RMT

Namaste ( What I am conveying when I use this Greeting)



 The gesture or Mudra of Namaste is a simple act made by bringing together both palms of the hands before the heart and lightly bowing the head.
  Namaste is pronounced Namastay and is a composite of two Sanskirt words, Nama and Te.  Te means you, Nama means to bend, incline,or bow. The meaning of these two words together is a sense of submitting oneself to another with complete humility.
  The word Nama is split into two, Na signifies negation, and Ma represents mine. The meaning would then be "not mine".  The import being that the individual soul belongs entirely to the supreme soul, which is identified as residing in the individual towards whom the Namaste is directed. Indeed there is nothing that the soul can claim as it's own. Namaste is thus the necessary rejection of "I"and the associated phenomena of egotism. It is said that Ma in Nama means death (spiritual) and when this is negated Nama it signifies immortality.

  The whole action of Namaste unfolds itself at three levels.
 The mental submission is in the spirit of total surrender of the self. This is parallel to the devotion one expresses before chosen deity, also known as Bhakti. The Devotie who thus venerates with complete self surrender is believed to partake the merits or qualities of the person or deity for whom he performs this submission. A transaction can only be between equals, between individuals who share some details in common. Hence by performing Namaste before an individual we recognize the divine spark in them! Further by facilitating our partaking of these divine qualities, Namaste makes us aware of these very characteristics residing within our own selves. Simply put, Namaste imitates the following:
     The God in me greets the God in you.
      The spirit in me meets the same spirit in you.

      In other words, it recognizes the equality of all, and pays honor to the sacredness of all and everyone. Regardless of age, status, or wealth. Translated into a bodily act, Namaste is deeply rich in symbolism. Firstly the proper performance of Namaste requires that we blend of the five fingers of the left hand exactly with the fingers of the right hand. The significance behind the simple act in fact governs the entire gamut of our active life. The five fingers of the left hand represent the five senses of karma and those of the right-hand the five organs of knowledge. Hence it signifies that our karma or action must be in harmony, and governed by rightful knowledge, prompting us to think and act correctly.

  Namaste recognizes the duality that has forever existed in this world,and suggests an effort on our part to bring these two forces together. Ultimately leading to a higher unity and non-dual state of oneness. Some of these dual elements which the gesture of Namaste Marries together and unifies as one include:

           God and Goddess
           Man and woman
           Heaven and earth
           Sun and moon
           Theory and practice
           Wisdom and method
           Pleasure and pain
           Astral body (consciousness) and Etheric body (sensation)
            Mind and body
            Conscious and unconscious
            Intellect and instinct
            Reason and emotion
            Thought and feeling
             Word and meaning
   Finally, The gesture of Namaste is unique also in the sense that it's physical performance is accompanied by a verbal utterance of the word "Namaste." This practice is equivalent to the chanting of a mantra. The sonority  of the sacred sound "Namaste" is believed to have a quasi-magical value, corresponding to a creative energy change. This transformation is that of the aligning  one's self in harmony with the vibration of the cosmos themselves.  At its most generic Namaste is a social transaction. It is usual for individuals to greet when they meet each other. It is not only a sign of recognition but also an expression of happiness at each other's site. This initial conviviality sets the positive tone for the further development of a harmonious relationship.

   Namaste as a greeting is this a mosaic of movements and words constituting affirmative thoughts and sentiments. In human society it is an approach mechanism, brimming with social, emotional and spiritual significance. In fact it is said that in Namaste the hands are put together like a knife so that people may cut through all differences that may exist, and immediately get to the shared ground that is common to all peoples of all cultures. In this context, A comparison with the widely prevalent "handshake" is inevitable.
     Though shaking hands is an extremely intimate gesture, Namaste scores over it in some ways. Primarily the one that Namaste is the great equalizer. You do Namaste with God ( and not shake hands). A King or President cannot shake hands with the large multitude they are addressing, but Namaste serves the purpose well. It is the same gesture one would have exchanged with a king when with him alone,  So no in congruity arises. In the absence of Namaste those facing a large audience will have to make do with a wave of the hands, A much less congenial greeting, and indeed which does not state the essential equality of all people. It instead highlights the difference even more. However, on a parallel level it has been conjectured that both the Namaste  and the handshake developed out of a desire on the part of both parties to show themselves to be unarmed and devoid of malicious intentions. The outstretched hand, and the palms joined together, both the stab wish the proponents as disarmed and show that they come in peace.

    As much as yoga is an exercise to bring all levels of our existence, including the physical and intellectual, in complete harmony with the rhythms of nature, The gesture of Namaste is a yoga in itself. It isn't surprising that any yogic activity begins with the performance of this deeply spiritual gesture.

   The Buddhists went further and gave it the status of a Mudra, or a gesture displayed by deities, where it was known as the Anjali Mudra. The word Anjali it's self is derived from the root Anj, meaning to adorn, honor, celebrate or anoint. According to Indologist Renov "meditation depends upon the relationship between the hands (Mudras), The mouth (Mantras), and the mind (Yoga)."
     The performance of Namaste  is comprised of all of these three activities. Thus Namaste is in essence equivalent to meditation, which is the language of our spirit in conversation with God, and the perfect vehicle for bathing us in the rivers of divine pleasure!

(Extracts from an article by Nitin Kumar, editor of .exoticindia. Master resale rights purchased by me rewritten and or added to by me and copied from one of my manuals with full permission and Copyright protected. )


Dare to be different,dare to be you, and Dare to learn to love yourself unconditionally!!!


Renette Stinnett MP, HP, RMT

Sessions and classes available long distance in person and now through Skype!

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