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Moldavite AKA Green Tektite

I had done a previous write up from the information I had gathered from others with this Gem as I did not have any myself! I finally was able to purchase some and now I have owned it and been working closely with it and felt some of the things in my previous write up on this little Gem were incorrect and some were not so I wanted to a rewrite based on my experience with this beautiful little Gem called Moldavite!

Let us start with the Basics here Moldavite is Tektite in the green which is the most beautiful and rarest of all the tektite’s! Moldavite also has unusual splash forms these things also however means that it is highly prized and sought after! Also adding to its rarity is the fact that Green tektite is only found along the Moldau River in Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. This also means that it will eventually become extinct from mining, and since this all happened roughly fifteen million years ago the chances of this being found anywhere else on the Earth is highly unlikely!  So this is harder to get your hands on although it is out there and when you do find it do not be surprised that it Is pricey!  Although this is a Gem it has no actual Crystal structuring of any kind! This again makes it highly sought after with collectors!

Let’s talk a bit about what a tektite is shall we? Tektite occurs when a very big meteor collides with the Earth at such a force that melted rock and meteorite are strewn at high speeds to the upper atmosphere. It is here in the Upper Atmosphere they cool and harden, this preserves their splash or melted shape. Tektite’s are found in what we refer to as strew fields these are sometimes thousands of miles across. All of this happened roughly fifteen million years ago.

  Since the result of all the above leaves us with a Gem not really of this planet it has High connection to extraterrestrial energies!  Always remember this when working with this stone, as you can easily get “lost” when you in fact do not mean too! It is often recommended to wear and or have a good grounding stone with you when using this little Gem or even while wearing it, my personal experience is that Moldavite does not really like to be with other stones and likes to be a lone player and star of the show, when combined with other stones I have found you do not get the same energy or vibration from this Gem especially when grounding stones are around I feel it literally change the vibration of the Moldavite as well as the not liking being reined in, Moldavite is highly powerful and feels it can do it all on its own with no help from others. I am not saying that you cannot use it with other stones it does tolerate them but just be aware that other stones around this gem do alter its vibration and energy flow this then will affect how it works as well as how effectively it works! They also say that Moldavite helps to charge and raise the vibration of other stones and crystals to be honest my personal experience has been the opposite Moldavite seems more to dull them to kind of drain them when it is with them or being used with them!

They often refer to Moldavite as a stone for the “new age” although they mean due to the heavier flow of enlightened and or awakening people it is often misunderstood that this is a new gem out there and it in fact is not it was used as far back as our caveman days worn as talisman for fertility as well as good fortune s it is an amazing stone for those who are beginning spiritual journeys of any kind as it helps to allow you a better connection to your higher self and other worldly energy.  Since Moldavite is not of this world it does indeed also help to tune you into the Ascended Master’s Moldavite holds knowledge within it just like all other crystals stones and gems of the world.  So remember this little Gem has crashed into the earth at such force to break it and shatter it and send it flying into the cosmos to cool and harden then thrown back down to the earth and this happened over fifteen million years ago so it has so much hidden knowledge it has seen so very much and seen so very much over all those years of being on this Earth it will help you to unlock hidden knowledge within yourself and others as well as help get rid of deeper seeded things holding you back within your spiritual journey! When holding Moldavite to light especially sunlight and combining this with Sun gazing it can help take you to your highest spiritual dimension and help aide the enlightenment process.  Again you MUST be careful as you can easily space out and since it is not of this planet it always tries to take off and you are rootless so be mindful for those not so good at self-grounding with Earth energy I do recommend keeping a good grounding stone in your pocket while using this stone. Try to keep the Moldavite and grounding stone as far away from one another as you can but don’t hide them from one another just be sure to give moldavite it’s shape and slowly start working up to not using the grounding stone as the effects of this Gem can be profound and VERY fast! This little Gem is one of the highest vibrations I have had the pleasure of encountering Quartz is of course the highest but this comes in pretty close! Due to this just like Quartz it is an amazing stone for aligning and clearing any blockages from the chakra’s it resonates most with the crown chakra opening it to help tune you better into your highest spiritual guides. When placed on the throat it helps with communication on all levels but you will notice more of a voice for Mother Earth and the need to heal her!  So for those doing any kind of healing with energy such as Reiki this is a wonderful stone to use with clients, as well as to wear yourself to amp up your own personal spiritual guides during the sessions! It is also good for past and future healings when placed upon the third eye it can also help aid in past life journeying however be mindful that it takes you to the past life to regain spiritual knowledge not to relive the life, it will also help you go to the before incarnation stage to help you regain purpose but not relieve birth trauma, it will take you forward to future knowledge so you may prevent destruction or learn results of actions from your present life to prevent disaster. So for those doing past life work and life work this is a good stone to have on hand but be mindful again that it can open you too far and to quick and lift you away so make sure you remain grounded I cannot stress that enough! Moldavite on the heart Chakra will help the star children feel more at ease and less sick from being stranded on this planet!

Moldavite in fact is a good abundance stone as it encourages letting go of earthly security issues such as money.  Once we let go of the worry and stress of Money then we attract money rather than more money problems so be sure to use this great knowledge of the Gem when you are using it.

This Gem is good and bad for empaths and sensitive people I find it does help support these qualities but in supporting them they become amped and stronger and if you are not ready for that you can feel overwhelmed easily, for those working on honing in on their empathy skills this is a great stone to help with that very thing however as I have stated it can be very quick and all at once and you may need to work with this gem in conjunction with a good grounding stone like hematite until you get the hang of it!

For those doing akashic records I HIGHLY state you need some of this GEM it will help download process and make conscious the information retained within the Akashic records this will aide you in spiritual growth and raise your own personal vibration!

Now on a healing level I have been using this Gem for my thyroid and goiter as it helps to diagnose illness trigger release and healing of the illness it finds and helps to bring the blessing or gift and or lesson to of the illness to your attention on a conscious level! I combined it with two other stones again in conjunction with this purpose to treat holistically my hypo/hyper thyroiditis and hash motoes auto immune disease, I found upon wearing it that it made me light headed and dizzy for a little over a month then I could wear it but only for short periods of time! This continued for some time finally I was able to wear the necklace for a straight 24 hours no longer though! This also took several months to work up to!  I had the stones all together and in a beautiful dragon fly again chosen for spiritual reasons for health and healing, but this also meant the moldavite was stuck with these other stones in very close proximity at all times with no way to separate them. I then purchased a piece of Moldavite Single and tried using it with other stones in the same manner again with the dizziness and the not feeling right the altered vibrations everything, then I tried moldavite all by his big boy self, and WOW man there was a massive difference, yes he is powerful indeed, he has been aiding me now in the treatment of my condition most successfully I do use other crystals and stones and minerals and other things as well but on a physically healing level this Gem will help you I also use him in Gem elixirs which again I have tried with other crystals and without and I have found it absolutely best to allow Moldavite his own time alone to charge the water then take the Moldavite charged water and add the other crystals and charge another round with them this then gives you Moldavite plus whatever you added for me it’s moldavite water two day charge, then I remove the moldavite and add clear quartz, opal, peridotite, garnet, and chalcedony this is a three day charge it takes longer this way but the water is more powerful and works better with this method I believe!

As with anything do what is right for you and how you feel comfortable open yourself and feel the vibration of the stones you are using and figure out what they say to you, just because someone else has this experience with a gem stone or crystal does not mean it has to be your experience don’t be afraid to learn for yourself even if it goes against what others have said if it does not feel that way for you then do it the way it does feel right and share with others these experience’s it is after all how we learn and how we grow! Don’t ever stop chasing your Unicorn because someone said he wasn’t real!!!!!


For more readings on gems, herbs, and holistic healing get ahold of me or look me up on

Or skype and or email me at


Dare to be different, Dare to be you, and dare to learn to love yourself unconditionally!



Renette MP,HP.RMT

Peacock Ore

We are going to talk about Peacock Ore today since I just got some from the Rock hound show over the weekend!
  This Mineral ore is hard to explain as the term Peacock Ore seems to be newer out there and a pet name for either Bornite or Chalcopyrite. 
Some call it Chalcopyrite and some call it Bornite! Actually it is a compound of both minerals. It is a crystalline Version of Chalcopyrite and does therefore share many
of its properties. However, it gets its colors of Blue, Green, and yellow from tarnishing. This happens due to the copper Iron sulfide commonly found within
hydrothermal veins, that make contact with metamorphic rock and there by enrich the sulfide copper deposit zone this. This Copper is found in Bornite, and is often
mined as a copper ore! This then due to the fact of the combination of what is happening with this Ore it has a lot happening with it! 
The Hardness of this stone is 3-3.5 this means it is a very soft mineral and should be treated with care. This also means that Water on this mineral is not such a 
wonderful idea if it can be helped it should! Remember also that this is a beauty but it is due to copper being a HEAVY component in this mineral compound as well
as sulfur, so using it for elixirs don't put directly into water as I am sure over time you will poison yourself! Also keep in mind it gets this amazing coloring from
technically being dirty as the color is a tarnish so water can alter that tarnish if not ruin it all together! Be sure to use the glass on glass method for elixirs, the best way
 I know to clean peacock Ore is just to dust it with a duster or soft rag! Simple and easy.
  This special beauty is wonderful for clearing blockages especially in the Hara line this is due to the Copper in the Ore. So for those doing Emotion Code healing this is
 a stone you should have with your magnet! Although it does not stick to the magnet it will help tremendously to remove those trapped emotions and break down those
heart walls quickly and efficiently with very little help! I do believe it could do the job almost on it's on even in replace of the magnet, however I suggest adding it to the
 magnet as it seems to like functioning with it! I have only used it two times with 2 separate people and even more profound results were had then with just the Magnet
 alone! Again due to the Copper it is amazing at digging out those old negative energies and releasing them so for those doing past life work chord cutting, birth trauma,
crystalline Reiki, any other energy work going back and digging and dredging up the old stuff to push it out and make way for the new this Ore again is one for you!
I highly recommend all energy workers to have some of this Ore not just for personal use but for work with clients as well it LOVES to be used!
 This Is wonderful for clearing and opening and activating the crown chakra so be mindful! It is also wonderful for meditation as focusing on the stone alone can
help you drift away!
This is a spiritually protective and guiding stone, it will help clear your spiritual path of blockages and negatives and will help encourage you along your journey!
Peacock Ore will help simulate creativity and new idea's as help manifest those things into your reality! This Ore will help to clear doubt and manage your thoughts, as
well as help increase your self-esteem. This is due to the fact that it resonates so well with the solar plexus chakra due to the high amount of Copper! This being the
Chakra we use for Self-Growth, self-empowerment and manifestation it is great for those working on awakening and Self Love again this is an Ore you simply must
have! It will help to pull etheric knowledge to you and others so for those doing records work again this is a stone you should have with you! This Ore will also help to
pull in abundance and wealth if it should be programmed in such a manner to do so! It is a Very Happy energy and gives very joyful vibrations!

As a healing stone it will help regulate the flow of adrenaline increase circulation, cell memory and regeneration, and help fight off infection such as bronchitis, also good
for fevers and inflammation and known to help calm spasms.

This is a really fun Ore to work with so if you don't have some I highly suggest some!
Looking for some? I have some extra for sale, I can also get you bigger pieces at the next show coming up! Get with me!
Want juicier writing on Gems, Minerals and Holistic healing? Check me out on or Google plus Renette Stinnett
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 Dare to be different, Dare to be you, and dare to learn to love yourself unconditionally!

Renette, MP,HP,CRMT

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